The Smirks

in the dark alleys of lies and hatred,
Soon the truth will be out
in the open for no one shall betray,
Think thick or thin stick is
what one's mind ponders on,
Countless questions like
pebbles on the river banks,
Ghostly feelings and hungry eyes
prey on your susceptible self,
You look for a tree to climb but
forget screaming as you fall flat on your face.
Guilt Trip
Slowly but steadily the feet start to move towards the gate
Heavy and drugged all the memories start to fade,
The warning signs are a joke and they tell us only what we already know
What we demand is not answers but actions taken pronto,
Fearsome and ruthless is what everybody desires to be
None of us are qualified enough to set you free,
Those ears aren’t deaf and nor is justice blind
But money rules the roost here doesn’t matter if it’s yours, his or mine,
Doubtful as it may seem that I will ever see colour
I am still very sure that I’ll be a good sailor,
Wafting away on the ocean I may reach a point of no return
No regrets for the towns seen and no fears that concern,
Times changed, persons changed and so did you, Alas!
What remained constant were the play and its cast,
Just one thing is all I would ask for if I had to plead ever
Understand that all you need to live is not simply love but a mind equally clever.
Tinker Tinker Little Star
No more janets & janes for there is no need to fly,
With one shot, the head was busted and the soul left ajar,
Junk the weapons before they start to bleed,
Pardon me maam’ you are stepping on my delicate heart
Please yourself for all you can and just don’t play your part,
Lost in the forest I do not find the way home
I brood over nothing and leave for a place less known.
Prison Melodies

Do not be scared of the ONE who stands tall because he would not hurt anyone who tells stories untold,
Have mercy on thy self 'cause you will need it anyways when you betray
Do not come to me you slave of a shallow mind as to an impatient soul I shall never obey,
Carefree and unspoilt is this place of worship to the millions who live and die
For the the one who is careless he would not understand all this hue and cry,
But wisdom is not something that can be measured or treasured
You kill countless enemies with the handful of friends that you have gathered,
Fruitful are these thoughts coming from an absolute human psyche
Do not dream only to forget the next morning, dream to accomplish what the dream did not reveal.
The lovely morning mist through the window-pane

Where can they hide and where can they run,
Post the affair they rarely see the sun
Coming down the hill they stumble and turn,
Mischievous eyes make mockery of the tears that roll down
No entity for the reflection in the mirror and the faces that frown,
Touch me not says the standing hair on hand
Just feel the freezing cold and see your vision expand,
The senses go numb and we can do nothing but stand stunned
The emotions running amock are massacred and the desires burned,
Companionship comes at a cost that only the rich can pay
Angst comes cheap to the poor gone astray,
Do you realise how hard it hits where its already hurt?
Taking chances is not plain foolish but an art that is learnt.
He mumbled this

From my sorrows I'll be free,
I'll walk this way but not alone
God will be there till the dawn,
Its no hallucination do you understand?
Life is a fairy tale and I'll own this wonderland,
Brilliance is something that I'll always regret
Confessions once made I'll tend to forget,
Till the horizon I'll travel and reach
Whatever I set my eyes on, I will achieve.
Ulterior Thoughts

I see my faith in him vanishing into the air,
I lost the ones that I found
It seems it will happen because he told me so,
I know he can't be fair
Every other day, the grave of my faith gains a new layer,
I wake up when am not sleeping
I fall when I am not standing,
The sunrise turns me off
Cause the night stops to laugh,
At the optimism of the cynical mind
I wonder if the devil in me can be so kind.
Tour de force of Imagination

So is the devil and nor will he die ever,
I may not be the lady luck's favorite kid
But I surely feel like one cause 'ME' doesn't breed,
I'll love to live a lot simpler life if I could, from the core
But loving the simpler me can everyone afford?
Like chilling ice their lies melt inside me
The molten fire raging underneath will you ever feel?
Truth gushes down the gutter . . .

Today I feel so forced,
The road begins to narrow down
As the tapering edge of the queen's crown,
You think something and you say something else
You are not exactly what you look from your face,
You are with them, you hate the most
And hunt for company in all those?
Incomplete demise

Filling my lungs killing me whole,
The ritual is done and they are all asleep
The picture is clear and there's nothing more to it,
Weeping mama and shaken dad is what I see
Shocked are my friends, who meant so much to me,
Traumatizing is the whole damn scenario
In the grave too I fear the sleepy hollow,
Today when I look back, I feel nothings achieved and everything's lost
After my death it's no use digging the past.
Festooned Mindset
You see something and then you don't
You live there but you still can't call it home,
The hope doesn't die when you lose
The fate doesn't cry when you choose,
All the dark creates some light
All one can find when nothing hides.

Unless you simply comprehend,
He's not the one who died of it, but all of us who will not survive,
Catastrophe will be there if it goes on like this
And no last resort shall bring back any peace,
His parents and thousands like them are stranded without a rhyme or a reason,
And they wait for their sons to bring back glory and no more treason.
The leaders justify his death
Do we still have some leftover of hate?
The Czars are gone only they are left
Cloning us won't either help.
Fate Frequency

Waiting for someone under the starlight,
The serene and calm stream flowing by
The enchanting moonlight filling the dark sky,
The present comes stealing your past
With the trust in you I feel aghast,
You succumb to your thoughts
And I lie to myself,
I'll pay for it right here
And you won't be excused either.
That very day . . .

They entered in attendance of friends, family, priest and nun,
He was the prey cause she was dressed to kill
Watching het trot in that white gown, all his dreams fulfilled,
The words repeated after the priest sounded like morning chants
He prayed to Lord Jesus, "Please her forever and all her wishes you will grant",
The ring glided onto the delicate fingers on her hand
His happiness knew no bounds and it all seemed like fairyland,
Amidst the claps, the band and the window-pane frost
He pulled her close and kissed her across,
As they drove away in an open top roadster
The Angels went to sleep.
God smiled and mumbled the last words of the story
"And they lived happily ever after."
They met again
Right there in the rain,
It all went back to where it started
Felt like everything was reincarnated,
The same rains in the porch
The same breeze through the doors,
But still it's not the same
Changed now are the rules of the game,
It's the end of the rhapsody
He is in distress and so is the lady,
Still fate had something great in store for them
A truthful God and friendship to lend.
Quiet Refusal

They take in the emotions that have lost the battle against time,
He offers him a candy just as he used to, way back in 1928
But oh so unfortunate, cause now its forty years late,
He knows that the price of that chair where his dear son used to sit
Is much more than the richest man alive can afford to pay,
But why do things happen so early or so late
Why do we look at the rock only after we have tripped?
As the father ponders over and over again
He learns his lessons, a bit late, but better than never,
But the son still has to learn his lessons
He will once he is sixty-eight.
A stone unturned . . .

Cause a single rose is also a garden,
There is always a more loyal company
If you dare to gaze around
The Sun, the Moon, the Stars, if your psyche has the wanderlust,
You can count on them, as they'll be always there
Not just for you but for all those who risk their trust,
The modesty of the planets will help you vision the aspects of life
Some so gentle and others so vice,
Hunt for friends and you will be again alone, but tired
Let the pack go and you will realize the power of one.
Soul Shadow
And been through a million cities,
Still nothing comes close
To what I've seen today,
Preachers and teachers they all come and go
But the one I met today will always be around,
So much the world tells and it shouts
The one's whispers are still very loud,
Shun the world and then you may hear him
The godfather whom you shall never forget,
If you can lose with him
You can win with this world,
Searching for him around the earth won't ever help
Cause the one is no one, but you yourself.
Essence of Ire

Thoughts whirling like a twister
No end to them no destination,
Insanity takes the place of imagination
Fear crawls in like the nights creatures,
The dark dances to the tune of the night
Leaving little hope and some mysterious signs,
Trying hard, still one can't visualize
The emotions behind these closed eyes.
I worry if you'll forsaken me
Will someone expound this killing spree?
Recall when your swan song towards humanity took place
It�ll be like asking, after birth you first saw whose face?
No matter how hard god tries
We recidivist humans never hear his cries.
A place of the morning mist is rampaged
By the modern chariots of destruction,
Now ceasefire is a cliche�
And warfare is here to stay,
Prince of darkness comes crashing the gates
Ordering peace-demanding angels to be hanged till death.
I'll enjoy life's joy and sadness
Accept those who hate and embrace,
I'll pour some drops of bliss into the ocean
And greet the rains to shower mankind with the happiness potion,
I'll hire all the thieves of the world
To steal the sorrows off everyone's lives
Remunerate them with all the abstract joys,
If one can endeavor to be friends with the divine within
His soul shall endure till eternity.
Aftermath before dawn
Lost and found again
Running on the path of misery and pain,
It's a narrow road towards life and joins me none
Though I see some shadows, it's just an illusion,
Someone follows like the smiles from the veil
I ignore and move on with a pace that is beyond the pale,
Those lying low, from a distance they jeer
I wonder if jihad can be so fierce,
Happiness is contrived making reality hard to comprehend
The splashes of vigor help me lead my friends,
Coup de grace for happiness to begin
But until then I'll be running, running, running, running,
I'm still running.
Look back and feel good . . .
I'll build a city free for souls
No place for sinners and vengeance for all,
The dark grim reality my living it swallows
With no life my soul feels so shallow.
There are some sweet memories under my bed
Which I posses in this godforsaken state,
An empire is dreamt of, but never realized
My thoughts are sketched but not colorized,
That very star represents my loneliness
As I ponder over his intellect,
The clock still ticks in the nights haze
I wish if I could go back to those good old days,
My soul haunts me like a vagabond's spirit
The sound of chimes has me chilled,
My search for peace of mind starts here
And the words of condolence are truly mere,
They judge the book by its cover
Like dark angels around me they hover.
Expect no me
I walk the lightening as the thunder rolls,
I have no vision
I have no goal
I count the stars that I stole,
I search for friends
I search for foes
I dust the memories the ones I owe.
Romancing the Truth
You don't trust me but you trust those,
Nothing is lost if one goes to prison
Everything is lost if one suffers treason,
Nothings achieved if one loves for a reason
Everything's achieved if one doesn't live in profusion,
To start with something you have to end with another
To end in peace you have to sanitize the internal devourer,
You believe in diabolism, goodness pays is what you'll never consent
I believe in Morrison, "Music is your only friend, until the end."
Pushing it hard

Every night I would sleep in distress
The next morning mother would ask "Are you fine?"
I'm sure time will always win this race,
The bedrock of my character is build by these crucial facts
I'm human, will God forgive these abominable acts,
The face expressing detest
The repercussions are hard to recuperate,
He wasn't one, as I shall recall
Now he is a wino and it was destined to befall,
I have my good days and bad days just like anyone else
But I'll stand up again and get it straight,
Unstable are these people, but unshakeable is my morale
Egocentric that they are, Egalitarian is what I am.
An Angel's dream

Gentlemen are more appreciated than Casanovas,
Where the skies are blue and not gray
Where the dolphins breathe and not suffocate,
Where the breeze dances through the meadows
And there are no cement barricades that affect its flow,
There, its abundance of humanity
And short of greed
Here, its complete atrocity
And lunatics who breed,
There the tigers are in plenty
And so is all nature's wealth
Here the mankind will be extinct
While they enjoy science performing the dance of death,
To the people there I wish
'Thou shalt live like this and bliss shall spread in expanse,
To the people here, I wish
You all give peace a third chance.
I'm a traveler here until I open my eyes
This dream will come true even though man won't reach the skies.
Forbidden Truth

For the mistakes done and sins committed
There is no escaping and no forgiveness,
Every dawn and dusk mark your fate
Actions taken in the present shape one's future,
Lust for the paper money instigates such heinous crimes
Self proclaiming humans themselves bury humanity six feet under,
They fear themselves so much that they try and hide
These deceased bodies cause the soul to suffocate inside.
Ulterior Thoughts

I see my faith in him vanishing into the air,
I lost the ones that I found
It seems it will happen because he told me so,
I know he can�t be fair
Every other day, the grave of my faith gains a new layer,
I wake up when am not sleeping
I fall when I am not standing,
The sunrise turns me off
Cause the night stops to laugh,
At the optimism of the cynical mind
I wonder if the devil in me can be so kind.
My hands don’t shiver for nothing but the deathly ride,
God fears him not once but all the time
He fears me because I’m the only bride,
Before cracking open the mind I felt so strong
Love and care are not mere words but tools that charm,
The pistol is naked and so is your girl
Blood trickles down the hair from every little curl,
Beastly shadows cross your mind
You are left with thoughts like mortal and divine,
The glass edges clearly reflect no light
A self-portrait or God-made customs to abide,
Speaking of art reminds her of Gothic melodies
The ones that talk about black humour and Life as parody,
Crossing the continents come the creators
Creating the clutches they control the Crusaders,
Now why do you come to me my fearful child?
Don’t look above because the Angels are blind.
Assemble, Dissemble, Resemble
I know something that you do not,
The bluebird in the sky is where I wish to be
Not singing but learning how to be free,
The southern winds don’t knock the door before they enter
I ignite my life and wait for you to swelter,
Somebody holds her hand and shows her the way
You are not the one who did that but still you are the prey,
Disowned by the fate and possessed by choice
Will you scream out loud or will the silence suffice,
Resting on the arc of my heart’s shadow
I feel so different smelling the last clove,
Failing and falling, I have mastered the art
Not to stumble over but to stand apart,
Eye scans the ‘I’ in me, hand hunts the touch in thee
Freeze before the demon wakes, kill the snowman and eat the flakes.
Dahling . . .

With the dull mirage greeting me
I care for none but my dreaming tree
I search for you in a fragile world
But why should I again care,
No I am not mean but I do dare
To tell the truth and to swear
Go to sleep just to keep
Some points so blank
These thoughts too deep,
Try and hide so tell those lies
Act like spies trying to analyze,
Closed the gates for all my mates
Found me to stake so those smiles to fake?
You left me bleedin, dahling . . . please take me in
Mom says don’t play with your food
It’s a sin, it’s a sin,
Now why the wait just open the crate,
Don’t lay the bait please gobble me straight,
Those beans I did not spill so I cannot fulfill
In me is no power, no will as I lay on the platter for you to kill.
Silence, please . . .
And if you think you sympathize my situation then might as well you can look at yourself in the mirror and see the same helplessness. You are here because you want to be. Thats the same fundamental i'm applying here. I'm saying this because that is what i feel and that is what i want to say. I don't want any sympathies or reactions. I just want you to relate. If you have felt so before, then you better be here than anywhere else. Its not a compulsion again, but its what i feel. I have nobody around me who has a soul for which i will envy him or her, or i will give my arm and leg for. Thats so sick. And they call themselves human's ! Yeah right. I'm even worst. I call them Friends ! LOL ! Give me a break. Its ridiculous.
But then i just look back and give it a thought. I have done these things too. To others. So even i'm one of them. just a body and no soul. Just a name but not a friend. But i have said it earlier. I have no soul. Im searching for one. But still i will say that im not one of them. I may not have a soul, but im not one of them. I'm far better than them. And if you can't take it, that says it all. You can't take it because even you are one of them. And if you can take it, then you are one amongst US. Not like me, but amongst Us. I'm not saying i'm the only one. The chosen one or the ruler. But there are few like me who are so stubborn.