Whom do we have to blame? Bureaucrats? I disagree.
If anyone is to be blamed, its we the people and not the politicians. All of us who have turned a blind eye over the years on the worsening situation in our country. Did we really care about our Country? Did we care more than we cared about our own small homes? Did we care enough?
It is an easy way out to put the blame on the government and keep cursing the system.
But isn't all of this our own creation? Something that was built by the ignorance we showed every passing day?
We, the people are the reason for those 160 casualties of this latest attack on Mumbai and numerous of them which have taken place before.
Have we forgotten the attack on our parliament? Or the serial blasts just couple of weeks ago in Delhi? What makes our country so vulnerable to these constant terror attacks? Is it really only these politicians and their incompetence?
Terrorism isn't a problem that prevails only in our country. Its everywhere. In every state across the globe there are anti-social elements.
Its US. You and me. Our actions will determine how much freedom we get and we give to these terrorist activities. Its inversely proportional.
The more suppressed we are and the more we give in to the system, the more freedom will be awarded to these lunatics. WE, will have to think twice before we can decide to go to the multiplexes, malls and travel in trains. And still it will be a risk and not a very calculated one.
It is about time that we, the people of India, take full responsibility of bringing shame to our country because we have failed to act. We have failed to question unjustified acts by our politicians and the elements of our corrupt and careless system.
One man cannot do this job. Its not his job anyways. Its the duty of every Indian citizen to take the initiative and come forward. The movement needs to take place on public level. Grass root level. We are not talking about a revolution here but simply requesting everyone to question the actions or the lack of them from our politicians and officials.
They can suppress an individual trying to fight. They can't silence half the city for questioning.
We need to step out of our houses and step out on the roads. Again, no peace rallies please. Things have gone too far to be undone by requests for peace and love and blah blah blah...
And no, guns and goons wont help either. That's not the solution. (Is MNS listening?)
We demand answers. We need to ask questions to the authorities and we need to do that in number. We need to show them that we are together and we will fight against their actions that threaten to harm the peace of this nation.
We should demand immediate resignation of the Home Minister. We demand a thorough enquiry of this attack and Life Imprisonment to all the officials involved in this attack either by their choice or their ignorance towards doing their duty.
Why didn't we react when our own people (read MNS) tried to harm our brothers? Why didn't all of us gather at Raj Thackrey's residence and question him? Why didn't we demand an answer from him for disrupting the peace in the country? It doesn't matter what state or city it is. It is India. We all are Indians. I feel shameful today because I need to remind my compatriots of who they are.
We show numbers on 31st December night in Goa. We show numbers when India wins against you-know-whom. We show numbers for Shah Rukh Khan.
Then what's stopping us to come together and fight for our peace and our freedom?
I really hope that we all wake up from our deep sleep and put a hold on sweet dreams like India the next Superpower and Mumbai the next Shanghai.
Such dreams are gift wrapped in reality paper and are sold to us by every Chief Minister. That's all they do.
I'm certain that together we all can make them do a much better job and secure our freedom and restore peace.
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