How many of us are actully living? Aren't we all more or less striving? Thriving maybe...
Is life all about a lavish apartment, two cars and a good loving wife? (In order of their appearance) Or is it more? Is it about going out there and exploring? About trying? Moving on?
DevD questioned this very train of thought. Dev's travel and experiences told me everything that I already knew but rarely admitted. I had seen it happen. Sometimes to me, sometimes around me. I knew what he felt and why. Cause I had felt so too, sometimes. So what if I didn't have a glass of vodka in my hand or crack to add more charm to the miserable situation I was in? That didn't stop my emotions from running helter-skelter. Pain was still there. Its there even today. So what if the tears don't flow? The eyes still swell. Maybe due to severe lack of sleep. My point being, the reason remains the same.
It is all so simple and easy to comprehend.
Even then why don't we break away from the mould and set ourselves free?
The mystery.
Till then, try not falling in love.